Monday, December 7, 2009

Computer Too Slow?

Is your computer too slow? It may be a software issue. Most computer users have been trained that if you want more speed for your computer, then add more memory. Well, this is true, in certain circumstances. But for most of the times, it really is just a bad file in your registry files. Corrupted or missing registry files can make your computer too slow.

First off, the Windows registry is basically a database of settings and instructions for everything in your computer: hardware, software, operating system, and even the preferences of the user of the computer. If you have multiple users on a PC, and they each login differently, then these types of preferences, or settings, are stored in the registry.

Also, any time you make a change to any of your computers settings, through the control panel, they are stored and updated in the registry. So, how does the registry get messed up? Well, let’s say you install a new program, and it then changes one of the registry files to work with the new program. The new program works like a champ, but what about the other program. You don’t know yet, because you have not had to use it. But when the time comes to open the old program, and the required registry file is not there, or is different, the computer might just sit there. It has no idea what to do. These problems happen every day to people, even to me. And, this type of problem causes a slow computer.

If you have ever had a problem like this, where the computer is just flat out slow, you need to fix your registry files. And, I guarantee you have errors in the registry files. I run my registry repair software weekly, and find and fix errors. I ran it right before this article, and found 36 errors. When I do optimization for other people’s computers, it is not uncommon to find over 500 errors. Fixing these errors will dramatically increase the speed of your computer. And it is easier and cheaper than buying a bunch of memory you may not need.

With a computer too slow, there is a simple fix. All you need to do is run a registry repair software, and get your Windows registry cleaned up and optimized. You will no longer have a slow computer.

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