Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Delete My URL History

So, you have been on the internet looking at things you should not have been looking at. Can you really imagine of someone finds out what you are searching for, or the websites you have gone to? You have tried to delete url history, and all seems good. You actually think you are safe now, and no one will ever know where you were. Wrong! Data recovery software can pull up all of the history on your computer right now.

Just because you deleted the url history means nothing. Heck, if you half way know your way around the computer you probably deleted the cookies, then deleted the temporary internet files (if you have not yet, then don't bother - it does not protect you), you found some images and deleted them, and then made sure you emptied the recycle bin. Good for you. Problem is all of your usage and places you have gone can still be tracked and found.

Your computer always keeps a record of everything going on. It makes temporary files, temporary sessions, sometimes writes information into 2 different locations for backup purposes, and a few other things. And not for the reason of tracking what you are doing, but to speed up your computer when you come back to the sites again. This way you do not need to wait on the computer to download the items, you already have them on your computer.

But, if they are on your computer, then anyone can find them. And if they have data recovery software, then you are in trouble. But, you do not need to let that happen to you. You can delete url history, and all other methods of tracking your computer usage. You need an internet history eraser, and a complete one: one that gets the images, cookies, videos, and all other proof of where you were. And with the spyware out there, it can work off of the data on your computer, and then start showing popups based on your viewing history. I am guessing you would not want some of the popups to starts appearing on your computer. Find a good internet history eraser and maintain your privacy and protect your privacy.

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