Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to Speed Up My PC in 6 Steps

OK, so you are asking the question: How Do I Speed Up My PC? I hear you. I use to ask this question all the time, and could never really seem to find an answer. So, I took it upon myself to find out how to do this. And now that I have found out exactly how to speed up my pc, I want to let you know how to accomplish this in 6 steps.

Here are the 6 simple steps you can do to help speed up your computer. These are the bare minimum things that every computer user should be doing to ensure that their computer runs as fast as possible.

Antivirus - This is an obvious one, but it is still a program some people fail to use. There are some antivirus software programs that will make your computer run slower, but there is one that will not dampen any of the computer speed you currently have.
Spyware remover - With all the surfing on the internet, you need to ensure you remove any of the tracking cookies that are following you everywhere.
Internet Eraser - This will help remove all of the temporary internet files and all of the internet history from your computer. This freed up about 6 GB of space the first time I ran it.
Registry Repair - This will fix all of the registry problems, which is what causes programs to operate slower and freeze when opening certain things.
Defragmenting - This will place all of the needed files for certain files and programs in one location. This helps to load the files and programs much faster.
Firewall - OK, so maybe this will not speed up your computer. But picking the wrong firewall can definitely slow down your computer and the internet usage.
These 6 simple steps can be take by anyone at home to speed up your pc. This will help to prevent you from paying some box chain store enormous amounts of money to fix your computer. You can actually do this yourself.

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