Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Windows 7 Slow? - Powerful Steps to Speed it Up in Simple and Fast Ways

Windows 7 is the latest operating system from Microsoft and claims that it has the greatest interface. But do you know if windows 7 is running slowly? On this article, you can find out the tips how to speed up windows seven.

There are 3 ways to optimize it. The first one is your hardware must meet the minimum requirement. And here they are:

1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
1 GB RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
16 GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
If you're now using windows Vista, you should have these specifications above. Microsoft knows that there must not be any drastic change. You keep the minimum requirements and this new operating system should operate well.

But if you're using windows 2000 and trying to jump to windows 7, you'll get trouble. If you have fulfilled the requirements and windows 7 is still running slow, then we should use the second way in order to optimize it. The second way is checking the running program in the background. You can just open msconfig and make free some memory by identifying the secret program that you actually don't need. Those unneeded programs will eat your virtual memory.

On the third way to optimize the windows 7 is by cleaning the registry. This might be the magic way to speed up this latest operating system from Microsoft.

Microsoft doesn't provide internal cleaning tool to fix the errors and corrupt files from the registry. This process must be done with good registry cleaner software which can speed up windows 7 performance.

These tweaks are really complicated for non expert people. If you're just deleting the wrong registry, you can crash Windows 7 suddenly. You can fix these issues automatically just in few minutes by using registry cleaner software. The newest registry cleaners are compatible not only in Vista but also in Windows 7.

Tired of slowing PC performance? Do you want to repair slow windows 7 in cheap and fast way? You can scan the registry error in your computer for free and fix them with the best registry cleaner on the market. After scanning and fixing your PC, you will be surprise how fast your computer is.

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