Windows 98 has a bad habit of crashing. I define crashing as either a blue screen, restarting for no reason, of locking up. And Windows 98 will do any of these 3 at anytime. My second computer I owned had Windows 98 and I always got an error. Or, rather I guess I should say that the Windows 98 error caused all of my crashes. But it is pretty easy to fix.
It seems as if may of the Windows 98 systems shipped out had a problem with the installs. There was a windows 98 error regarding a file called setupx.dll. It seems as if this file was corrupted for some reason. Because of the problems with this, it would cause the system to lockup. Mine was really bad when it came to burning CD’s. It would just freeze in the middle of the writing phase, and there goes another CD. I bet I lost at least 20 CD’s because of that bad file.
To see if you have a windows 98 error, you can do the following to your computer.
First, go to start in the lower left hand corner.
Then click on the “run” link.
Next, type in sfc. This stands for System File Checker. This is what will run a check of your files to determine if you have a windows 98 error.
A new box will pop up. You will want to run the checker to look for files.
During the process of scanning for files, if it finds any, it will ask you if you want to fix them. Then, it will ask where to fix them from. If you have a backup on your system already, you can get the new file from there.
I would recommend you get it from your Windows disk, as the file there is good.
Once it is done, you are done.
You just fixed your windows 98 error. It is most likely the setupx.dll file, so once this file is fixed, your Windows 98 system should stop freezing and run pretty decent again.
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